Let’s talk about the weather

Climate change and extreme weather events present an immediate and growing risk to our communities. And most Canadians understand this. This comes as no surprise given recent scientific reports outlining dangerous trajectories of global warming and the rise of extreme weather events, which are now costing Canadian insurers approximately $1-billion annually.

In Ontario, rising temperatures are contributing to more frequent and severe heat waves and wildfires – putting property and human lives at risk. Extreme weather such as storms and flooding are also particularly costly. In the spring of 2017, the City of Hamilton saw unexpected major flooding causing more than $2.5 million worth of damage. The 2013 Toronto ice storm caused $12.9 million in damage. And the Burlington flood in 2014 left damage estimated at $90 million.

For Hamilton, Ontario, climate change will continue to create warmer, wetter and more extreme conditions. Over the course of this century, we can expect:

Increase in annual average temperature:



Increase in very hot days (+30°C):



Increase in precipitation (mm per year):



For local homeowners and businesses sectors, climate change and extreme weather present growing risks.

These tools and resources explore climate science, the impacts of extreme weather, and local climate projections.

Tools & Resources

Climate Change In Hamilton


The Science of Climate Change for the City of Hamilton

This reports educates readers on climate change impacts that are projected to occur in the region over the next century, focusing primarily on temperature and precipitation. The data presented in the report is based on climate models and emission scenarios defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Author: 2016 | ICLEI Canada; Local Governments for Sustainability Type: Report

COVID-19 and climate change: an integrated perspective

This paper reflects on what the COVID-19 outbreak has illustrated regarding community vulnerability to crises, with a focus on local economy and production, economic diversification, and social connectivity. The paper argues for integrated approaches to community development that increase our capacity to respond to both public health and climate crises.

Author: 2020 | Robert Newell, Ann Dale Type: Article, Report

‘Weather is changing’ and Hamilton emergency officials want you to be prepared

An article reporting on recent local extreme weather events which are becoming more frequent and a call to action for residents of Hamilton to get prepared.

Climate change impacts on the health of Canadians

This report describes the major public health impacts of climate change across Canada and adaptation measures and strategies to protect health.

Author: 2017 | Public Health Agency of Canada Type: Article

After the Flood: The Impact of Climate on Mental Health and Lost Time From Work

This study, developed by the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, quantifies the health impacts associated with residential basement flooding and lost time from work.

Author: 2018 | Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation Type: Report

There will be floods — and Ontario’s not ready for them

How storms are becoming more unpredictable and severe. Plus a story of a Burlington woman who lost everything during the August 2014 Burlington storm.

Why we need to fight Climate Change

Climate change changes everything. Learn the facts and see how it affects you. This webpage discusses climate change impacts on natural and city infrastructure, private property, food and drink, and lakes and rivers.

Author: 2019 | Government of Ontario Type: Article, Website

Climate Change in Our Own Backyard-An Introduction to Climate Change in Hamilton

This 20 minute video contains all 7 episodes of Hamilton Conservation Authority’s climate change series. We look at the effects of climate change at a local level and how it is affecting programs and services. The series winds up with some helpful tips on how we can manage our carbon footprint on our planet at a local and manageable level.

Author: 2012 | Hamilton Conservation Authority Type: Video

Climate Atlas of Canada

The Climate Atlas of Canada combines climate science, mapping and storytelling to bring the global issue of climate change closer to home for Canadians. It is designed to inspire local, regional, and national action that will let us move from risk to resilience.

Author: Prairie Climate Centre Type: Tool, Website